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- The Concord Consortium
- Fysik kurser online
- MIT Open Course Ware
- Theoretical minimum Leonard Susskind
- EgtecnoLab: Samling av simuleringar
- Astronomi och fysik simuleringar
- MYCKEBRA med simuleringar
- Flash animations for physics
- Formel till HTML
- Matematik: Tillämpningar
- MITOpenCourseWare HOME
- Open Source Physics
- Physics Applets by Topic
- The King’s Centre for Visualization in Science.
- The Physics Classroom (Minds on Physics, Problem solving ...)
- Walter Fendt: Java Applets on Physics
- Wolfram Math World
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philisophy
- Flash simulations in physics
- The twin paradox
- University of Oregon Physics Department
- Visual Quntum Mechanics: Interactive Computer Programs
- MacTutor History of mathematics
- Relativitetsteorin
- Young Univercity physics
- KSU Physics Education Group: Visual Quantum Mechanics
- MATTER Initiative for Schools website: A-level resources
- Relativitetsteorin HOME
- WisWeb is Freudenthal Institute’s website for secondary math education
- Cocept Simulations: Halliday, Resnick, Walker Fundamentals of Physics
- Physics APPLETS
- How Stuff Works
- The Physics Source
- Wolfram Demonstrations Project
- MITOpenCourseWare Math tools
- Visual Calculus
- Walter Fendt: Java Applets on Mathematics
- Manipula Math with JAVA
- Cut The Not
- Maths online
- Maths online: Gallery
- d’Arbeloff Interactive Math Project (d’A I M P)
- Illuminations
- General Physics Java Applets